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10/05/22 02:06 PM #1455    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

FMHS1961 October luncheon at Chong Garden: Left to right, back row: David Neubel, Gary McVey, Jack Moore, Bill Boomer, Sally Trancoso, front row: Georgia Merschman, John Kent, Linda Boomer, Nan Hayes, Sharon Scholl- Nabulsi,and Jack Dorsett!

10/05/22 04:11 PM #1456    


Marcia Conley (Davis)

Great looking group!

12/07/22 03:05 PM #1457    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)


Front Row: L to R: Sally Trancoso, Jack Moore, Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, Linda Meyer,Georgia Merschman, Jack Dorsett, Back Row L to R: Bill Boomer, Robert Johnson, John Kent, Linda Johnson, David  Neubel, Betty Oiler, Nan Hays and Gary McVey.


12/30/22 10:36 AM #1458    


Brad Wiedmann

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and Happy Holidays to the FMHS CLASS OF 1961!  I am greeting you from Denver, CO where I thought I was escaping the snow of northwest Wisconsin.  I arrived here Wednesday afternoon to no snow only to be greeted by a heavy, wet and compacted snow overnight of 8-10".  Denver roads were a mess overnight.  Sun is shining today, Friday, December 30.  I hope all of you have been able to enjoy the holidays.

12/31/22 10:49 AM #1459    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

I follow Brad with my hope that you all have had a Happy Holiday season and that you all have a Happy Healthy New Year! I would be really thrilled if many many more of our classmates would write on our class website! The address is easy:  Be careful Brad in all that snow, we are of the age to fall and break hips, arms, legs and shoulders! With that sweet thought I'm signing off for now! Take care classmates!

12/31/22 02:50 PM #1460    

Carlos Lozano

Happy New Year from Alaska !

12/31/22 06:14 PM #1461    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Happy New Year from Eastern North Carolina!!!  All is well in the Matthews household !  Last Saturday we had a low temperature of 12, with a wind chill of ZERO - today we woke up to fog and temperature of 58 !  By noon it was 67 !!!!  CRAZY !!!

Quiet night here watching Football Bowl games - we already partied on Wednesday with a large group of neighbors.  Heading to Florida January 20th for our younger granddaughter's 14th birthday near Jacksonville, then over to the Gulf Coast to Naples for a couple days with Terry and Margaret times always when we are able to get together  ðŸ˜ŠðŸ’•

Pray all our families and FMHS friends have a healthy and prosperous 2023 !!!

Sandy and Bill Matthews




01/04/23 03:28 PM #1462    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

01/04/23 04:19 PM #1463    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of 61 lunch today at Subarena: Front row: Sally Trancoso, Georgia Merschman, Linda Meyer; 2nd Row: Jack Dorsett, Nan Hays, Betty Oiler, Lynda Boomer, John Kent, Linda Hartley, Back Row: Dave Neubel, Gabriel Martinez, Jack Moore, Gary McVey and Bill Boomer! HAPPY NEW YEAR 

01/05/23 12:22 PM #1464    

Jack Sears


Thanks to all for all of the kind birthday wishes 12/28.  Because of some weird law, I started grade school "late" because Kids needed to be a certain age before they could at the beginning of the current school year. 
That is why I turned 80 before many of you dearclassmates.  

Turning 80 and being a math nerd/poker odds whacko, caused me to look at the actuarial charts and calculate my odds of making it to age 90. The short answer is 1 in 4 chances  = on average 25%  of men age 80 make it to 90. It gets worse if we have underlying conditions like I do  overweight  heart arrhythmias. General laziness  

I asked my cardiologist if he knows any chubby 90:year old guys  He said NO with a stern eye aimed at my mid-section - he did say he knows a 90 year old lady who smokes a lot and drinks one cocktail a day, still going strong  

Girls just live longer than guys because guys really do a lot of stupid stuff when younger, imo. 

OK. So what should I do. Guess I need to take another crack at weight and exercise management. Maybe improve my odds a little. 

so, I am booking my 2031 FMHS 70th Reunion, figuring to see all of you by then as we beat the odds. 

love to all. 


01/06/23 12:31 PM #1465    


Brad Wiedmann

Good plan, Jack

01/06/23 12:59 PM #1466    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Jack sorry I miss your birthday! I hope you did something fun! I had to laugh at your entry on the message forum! One question! Do you expect me to be the chairman of our 70th class reunion? Ha!Ha! Happy New Year and good luck with your fittness project!!!!

03/01/23 04:20 PM #1467    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of 1961 at Amigos today March 1st: left side of table front to back: Jack Moore,

Jan Moore, Sally Trancoso, Betty Oiler, Nan Hayes, David Neubel; Right side of table front to back: John Kent, Linda Meyer, Georgia Merschman, Linda Hansen, Ed Merschman, Dutch Martinez!

03/02/23 11:15 AM #1468    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Always great to see the local group getting together for lunch - everyone is looking good!

Bill and I will be in Fort Madison over the weekend of June 9-12 for a Celebration of Life service for his brother-in-law, Ken Hoffmeister (wife is Jean Matthews Hoffmeister, class of 1958).  Ken passed away peacefully in early January from a very aggressive cancer.  His service was delayed due to the number of family members on each side who wanted to attend, but so many relatives are teachers or graduating college this May, so it made sense to hold off until everyone could arrange to be there. 

I really doubt that we will have time to see classmates and hometown friends, and for that, I'm really sorry.  But, this is dedicated to be family time, as who knows when we might have an opportunity to see them again.  Both of our sons and their families will be there. 

All is well here in eastern North Carolina !  Staying busy with other residents of our retirement community - playing lots of bridge for me and Bill and I are on the Executive Committee of the Resident's Council.........he is the Treasurer and I am Corresponding Secretary.  I also volunteer in our Gift and Sundries Shop here and am a "buyer" for our wonderful Gift Showcase.  I frequent TJ MAX and HomeGoods for the items - lots of fun to shop for our residents who no longer drive.  Our health is what you might expect of almost 80 year old persons.  My chronic back issues and Scoliosis still plague me, with severe degenerative stenosis and have lost almost 3 inches of height over the years.  However, I forge ahead - not a candidate for any more back surgeries, after already having my total lumbar vertabrae fused in 2014.  Bill does a pretty good job at controlling his type 2 diabetes, so that's good.  His golf game has slowed down, but he still enjoys it.  We are happy to have the Big Ten Channel as part of our TV package so we can watch Bill's Alma Mater's sporting events.  Sure hoping the Hawkeyes Men's and Women's basketball teams do well in their respective Conference Tournaments and that the Men get in and play well in March Madness !!!!

For those of you who I kept up with on FACEBOOK, I have pretty much given up on Social Media, after being hacked so many times.  I miss hearing about what you are doing, but please use this class website more, so I don't lose touch !!!!

03/02/23 05:32 PM #1469    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

 Classmates: I'm relaying to you all about the death of Jack Savage about two weeks ago! Jack was the husband of our classmate Cyndy Day Savage and he has been in ill health for many years and Cyndy took care of him! She told me they just celebrated their 61st Wedding Anniversary! If any of you would like to send Cyndy a card her address is: Mrs.Jack Savage, 1718 North Hosker, Independence. Mo.64050.  The funeral is this coming Saturday and there will be a memorial in Burlington sometime in September. Please keep Cyndy and her family in your thoughts and prayers. 

03/17/23 02:28 PM #1470    


Patsy Cordray (VanPelt)

Dear Classmates,

Thank you for the nice birthday wishes.  You made my day especially happy!!  

Are we called elderly when we're 80?? It's just a number right???  Thanks again everyone.












03/20/23 04:49 PM #1471    


Cyndy Day (Savage)

I would like to thank everyone for the cards, notes and prayers for our family in response to Jack's death. The class of 61 is the best. For those of remember my brother Edwin (Sunny) Day; he passed away this morning. I spoke with Sharon and she did not believe their class had the same resources as ours so I thought I would share with you all. He was an amazing brother. He worked at HyVee and worked with friends of several classes. Thank you again for all of you just being you. God bless

03/21/23 07:52 AM #1472    


Georgia O'Donnell (Merschman)

Cyndy. So sorry to hear about your brother. We just saw them last summer at Pete and Marty's 60th anniversary. Had a good visit with his wife. 

03/21/23 11:03 AM #1473    


Sandi Thompson (Philips)

Cyndi, I am so sorry to hear about your brother.  Please know that i will be keeping you and your brother's family in my prayers.

03/25/23 08:08 PM #1474    


Cyndy Day (Savage)

Thank you and thank you for the cards honoring Sunny. You are all the best. 

03/26/23 07:28 AM #1475    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Cyndy,  This is a belated note, but wanted you to know you are remembered in prayer and sympathy in the loss of both your husband and brother......and a double loss in such a short time.  Life is so precious and we hope all the good memories of time with both of them will comfort you.  There is an old saying that I always refer to when there is a death - "Friends Multiply Joys and Divide Sorrows" - we hope you know how many are doing just that.

Hugs,  Sandy & Bill Matthews

03/27/23 06:12 PM #1476    


Cyndy Day (Savage)

Indeed I do Sandy. I have appreciated all of the kind thoughts and prayers. We are all becoming not old friends but definitely long time friends. 

04/05/23 04:18 PM #1477    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class April luncheon: Left: Dave Beubel, Gary McVey, Barb McVey, Sally Trancoso, John Kent and Mary. Right: Nan Hays, Betty Oiler, Linda Meyer, Georgia Merschman, and Ed Merschman

04/06/23 12:06 PM #1478    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

The local classmates do such a wonderful job of sharing a meal each month - everyone looks happy to be together !  Miss you all - Have a blessed Easter Holiday !

Sandy & Bill Matthoews

04/07/23 01:25 PM #1479    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Classmates, Now hear this! Jack Moore has had 3 heart attacks since March 16th and now has a pacemaker installed at Genesis Hospital! He is home taking it easy! If any of you want to send him a card his address is 1736 Avenue E, Fort Madison,Iowa  52627 and phone number is  319- 679-0147and his email is  We all hope that Jack recovers to 100%


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