Jack Sears
Thanks to all for all of the kind birthday wishes 12/28. Because of some weird law, I started grade school "late" because Kids needed to be a certain age before they could at the beginning of the current school year.
That is why I turned 80 before many of you dearclassmates.
Turning 80 and being a math nerd/poker odds whacko, caused me to look at the actuarial charts and calculate my odds of making it to age 90. The short answer is 1 in 4 chances = on average 25% of men age 80 make it to 90. It gets worse if we have underlying conditions like I do overweight heart arrhythmias. General laziness
I asked my cardiologist if he knows any chubby 90:year old guys He said NO with a stern eye aimed at my mid-section - he did say he knows a 90 year old lady who smokes a lot and drinks one cocktail a day, still going strong
Girls just live longer than guys because guys really do a lot of stupid stuff when younger, imo.
OK. So what should I do. Guess I need to take another crack at weight and exercise management. Maybe improve my odds a little.
so, I am booking my 2031 FMHS 70th Reunion, figuring to see all of you by then as we beat the odds.
love to all.