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06/01/22 05:58 PM #1430    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of FMHS 1961 luncheon today June 1st at Green Bay Bar and Grill in Wever Iowa! From Left to right around the table: Ed Merschman, Jack Moore, Sally Trancoso, Betty Oiler, John Kent, David Neubel, Nan Hays, Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, Jan Moore, Georgia Merschman, and Carole Wilson

06/28/22 08:10 AM #1431    


Karan Kreighbaum (Faul)

Happy Birthday to my birthday twin... Sharon Nabulsi

Wishing you the best of birthdays... 

06/29/22 10:15 AM #1432    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

heartHappy Birthday to you too Karan Kreighbaum Faul! We have been celebrating our twin birthdays for a very long time! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! heart

07/06/22 03:32 PM #1433    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of 1961 July luncheon at Amigos: Left to right Ed Merschman, Georgia Merschman, Nan Hays, David Neubel, Barb McVey, Gary McVey, Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, Sally Trancoso, Jack Moore, Betty Oiler, John Kent, and Linda Meyer!

07/07/22 06:25 AM #1434    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Happy Looking Group of Classmates - LOVE Amigo's tacos !!!!!  Everyone stay well !!!

07/08/22 11:24 AM #1435    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

We do have fun and invite any classmate to participate with us each month! We try to go to different restaurants each month so we don't get bored with the menus! COME JOIN US!

07/09/22 09:22 PM #1436    


Brad Wiedmann

1st Wednesdays of the month?

07/12/22 02:18 PM #1437    


Marcia Conley (Davis)

Hi, to my Fellow Classmates.  2 weeks ago I had my 3rd surgery in 15 months!  Another spinal surgery.  I had severer stenosis at C-3-6 causing a loss of balance by putting pressure on nerves that control balance.  It appears to be successful and now it is a matter of time to gain strength and be able to walk without a walker!  A nurse and physical therapist comes twice a week.  I am hopful I will be walking unaided by October 1 when my oldest granddaughter gets married in Louisville, KY.

I am recovering at home and hope to be able to start work gradually next week.  No brace!!  I had C-4 and 5 replaced and C-3 and 6 fused.

I was blessed with the arrival of a 3rd great grandson on July 2.  Life is good if I could only walk unaided.

Enjoy your summer!

07/13/22 06:37 AM #1438    


Georgia O'Donnell (Merschman)

Marcia sorry to hear this. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Nothing wrong with using whatever you need to get around safely.

07/13/22 06:52 AM #1439    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Marcia,  WOW !  You have endured so many highly complicated operations and I'm so sorry you had to have another one !  You have a great attitude and always seem postive and motivated to get back on your feet and walking again - a wonderful attribute of your determination.  Can't keep an Iowa gal down !!!!  Also, HUGE congratulations on your newest greatgranchild !

07/13/22 09:23 AM #1440    


Melinda Lang (Bachman)

Marcia wishing you a speedy recovery and congratulations on the birth of your third great grands

07/13/22 02:21 PM #1441    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Marcia: I praying for you a speedy recovery! No surgery is fun! You'll feel lots better when you don't have to use a walker! Keep us posted!  BTW DonLeach passed away on July 11th of a pulmonary embolism! That's 48 classmates gone from the Classbof 1961? Take care!

07/14/22 02:55 PM #1442    


Patsy Cordray (VanPelt)


With deepest sympathy in the passing of Don Leach.  To his wife and family I send my prayers and condolences!  Don was a very friendly and caring person.  I had the pleasure of him being my escort for homecoming!  God bless 


On a different note, Marcia, may you have a good recovery from all the back surgeries so you can enjoy your granddaughter's wedding and all the great grandbabies!  Take care!


07/14/22 06:35 PM #1443    


Darla Qualls (Dennison)


I'm so sorry to hear about Don passing.  He was such a fun guy  My condolences to Jill and the boys.  Life is short so enjoy!

Marcia,  I'm so sorry you had to have another surgery.  Having had to many surgeries myself, I feel for you.  I wish you a speedy recovery.  Congratulations on the birth of your great grandson.  

On a happier note, my oldest granddaughter, Taylor, got married in Maui last month and of couse we were there.  It was a beautiful wedding and I finally gained a grandson.  They say children in 4-5 years and I'm hoping they don't wait to long.  

07/15/22 07:27 AM #1444    


Melinda Lang (Bachman)

Thoughts and prayers to to Jill and family.  I went to school with Don from kindergarten through high school.  Don was a great guy and enjoyed seeing him and Jill at some of our class reunions.

07/15/22 03:16 PM #1445    


Marcia Conley (Davis)

Thanks for the kind remarks from everyone.  I am walking with a walker 2,000 steps a day outside and walking inside my home unaided.  This surgery took a lot of my energy so am fighting fatigue daily.  I have never been a quitter and meet all challenges as they come my way.

So sorry to hear of Don's passing.  My condolences to his family. 

Life is precious and should be enjoyed.  I am blessed with family and friends.

07/15/22 03:39 PM #1446    


Joyce Casady (Sheumaker)

I am so sorry to hear about Don's passing. Will be praying for his family at this difficult time. 

07/17/22 08:31 AM #1447    


Bill Orr

So sad to hear of Don's passing. He was a good friend that I've known since we were two years old. 

I was in Don's home when his dad died. Sad day. 

I got in a fight with him in third grade and I remember Terry Nonan broke it up. We were good friends before and after. I can't remember what it was about. He always showed interest in me and my family and was absoultly astounded that I stayed in the Army. 

It just goes to show that the good die first leaving the rest of to suffer thru.


08/03/22 03:04 PM #1448    


Nan Nelson (Hays)

08/03/22 03:10 PM #1449    


Nan Nelson (Hays)

Above photo is August 1961 class luncheon attendees:  Dave Nuebel, Nan Hays, John Kent, Sandy Wisehart, Betty Oilar, Linda Meyer, Sally Trancoso, Jack Dorsett, Jack Moore, & Gary McVey.


09/01/22 11:38 AM #1450    


William (Bill) Patrigo

A man was found guilty of using too many commas.

The judge warned him to expect a really long sentence.

09/07/22 06:33 AM #1451    


Bill Orr


I have to say everyone sure looks good. FM must be healthy for our group!    

Just finished assembling Jean's quilting frame. Have to admidt it was a challenge. I learned that I'm not a mechanic. Anyway the Bernina Q16 plus is operational.                                                                                      

Jean turned 75 today so felt it was a fitting gift. She has scheduled our 4th Cobid shot for next Wednesday at Walgreens.

After the shot we will spend a week at our cabin at Lake Poinsett, SD. Then home to make quilts.

Wishing yoy all the best!

Bill Orr 

09/07/22 03:57 PM #1452    


Nan Nelson (Hays)

Attendees at September class lunch:  Brad Wiedmann, Dave Nuebel, Linda Meyers, Betty Oilar, Sally Trancoso, Nan Hays, Sharon Nabulsi, Gary McVey, John Kent & Jack Moore.

09/07/22 04:37 PM #1453    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Sorry Nan Hays

09/07/22 05:03 PM #1454    


Nan Nelson (Hays)

Thanks to Sharon for turning us right side up! 

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