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04/08/23 09:31 AM #1480    


Cyndy Day (Savage)

Thank you Sharon. 

04/08/23 10:16 AM #1481    


Darla Qualls (Dennison)

I'm so sorry to hear about Jack. I hope he recovers quickly and thoroughly.  Jack just do what the Drs say and I'll see you at the next reunion.

04/10/23 07:56 AM #1482    


Judi Perry


Hello to all members of the class of '61 - the best class ever.

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes.  Although some of my classmates pointed out that they are younger than me.  Their days are coming to join the 80 group.   JT's birthday is 3 days (+ year) after mine, so we always celebrate both B-Days together.  This year we are spending several weeks in Daytona Beach - eating lots of grouper (our fav), visiting Cape Kennedy, walking the beach, and other area attractions.  We will end our trip in a few weeks by going to Columbus, GA to visit a Military Museum, and then on to Alabama to visit JT's kids.


Cyndy - so sorry to hear about Jack - what a nice guy.  You hit the Jackpot when you got him!  Sorry about your brother, also.  I am praying for you.

Jack Moore -  Prayers for you, also.  Please take care of yourself.  I know that the Cardinals are off to a bad start, but don't take it personal.  Pacemakers are wonderful - Sandi and I both have one - they are a godsend.



04/14/23 07:31 AM #1483    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Classmates:  FYI  The Boys and Girls track meet scheduled for April 25 at the FMHS track will be the Don Leach Memorial for the new track time clock. Our class donated $3,450 toward the clock. The Athletic Director and department is very grateful that we got the ball rolling to get a new clock. They can now hold bigger and better track meets with an authentic clock. Jill Leach, Don's wife and his three sons are coming for this dedication and I am inviting any and all of the Class of 1961 to attend. It begins at 3:30 and the dedication will be around 4:15. I know that they would appreciate some of us being there to honor their father. 

I'm hoping this finds you all happy and healthy. Oh, by the way, I fell down in our condo in Marco Island on Feb 1 and broke my right femur. I tripped over a throw rug and down I went. I had surgery on Feb 2 and then two months of therapy down in Florida and now I am home doing more therapy M-W-F.  I am still on a walker and hoping I throw it away in a week or two. A word of advice. Get rid of your throw rugs. Maybe by the track meet. 

As ever,


04/14/23 04:06 PM #1484    


Marcia Conley (Davis)

Sharon, I feel your pain!  I had 2 back surgeries and a hip surgery in 18 months!  I am still walking with a cane and doing physical therapy and hoping to walk unassisted soon.  I went back to work 100% the beginning of this year and am in the best health I have been in 25 years!!

04/15/23 06:41 PM #1485    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Sure hope there is a good turnout at the FMHS Track Meet to honor Don Leach, since Jill and their boys will be there !  The Class of 1961 should be proud of the funds raised to purchase a worthy track meet clock !!!

04/16/23 03:05 PM #1486    


Marcia Conley (Davis)

Thank you for all the birthday wishes.  I am 80!!  Hard to believe and I am feeling the best in many years.  Still working and enjoying every day!  I am so blessed with family, friends, clients and good health.  GOD IS GOOD!

04/25/23 07:05 PM #1487    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Classmates I'm posting photos from the Don Leach Memorial Track meet today that some of you donated money for their new tract time clock! This will allow FMHS hold bigger track meets that will let kids qualify for state meets right on our own FMHS track here in FM!!! The photo of Jill and her three sons, Jason, Judd,and Doug and me sitting and watching the track meet. Next photo when the family and Jeff Lamb the AD telling the audience all about the banner and the time clock and the last photo is the time clock/

04/26/23 02:39 PM #1488    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Great Pictures for Don's Memorial to purchase that track meet clock !!!  Thanks for posting Sharon!

04/26/23 04:13 PM #1489    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Don Leach  Memorial FYI:  The track meet that happened yesterday 4/25/23 at the FMHS track was the first home track meet in quite a number of years! The reason being that FMHS did not have a means of obtaining accurate times for all the track events! We can be very proud as a class to have provided the seed money for this new track timer! It will help the track kids and track program for years to come! Thanks to all who donated!

05/03/23 02:47 PM #1490    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

 Class of 1961 luncheon: Front Row L to R: Jack Dorsett, Betty Oiler, Linda Meyer,John Kent, Georgia Merschman, Lynda Boomer, Nan Hays, Back Row L to R: David Neubel, Bill Boomer, Sally Trancoso, Gary McVey,

Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, Dutch Martinez.

05/04/23 11:39 AM #1491    


Jerry Rees

What a handsome group of octogenarians!  Or am I too early with that statement?

Is Fort Madison in danger of flooding?

07/05/23 01:24 PM #1492    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

July luncheon Class of 1961 @ Pizza Hut:  Front Row L to R: John Kent, Gary McVey, Barb McVey. Back Row L to R: Betty Oiler, Linda Meyer, Jack Dorsett, Bill Boomer, Sally Trancoso, David Neubel, Nan Hays,Georgia Merschman, Ed Merschman, Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi,Jack Moore,Jan Moore 

07/06/23 02:50 PM #1493    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Looking good for all of you ...... especially since we are all in the beginning of our 80th decade !!!!

07/07/23 10:04 AM #1494    


Brad Wiedmann

Sandy Matthews,  Not to pick on you, but, I think you mean our 8th decade, not our 80th decade?  Some mornings I do believe I feel 800 years plus.  (Snicker, snicker)

07/08/23 09:58 AM #1495    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Brad Wiedmann I'll DRINK to that! I feel old enough as it is! Ha!Ha!

07/08/23 11:13 AM #1496    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Oh Dear Brad !  I hope Bill doesn't send me off to the Memory Cottage here at Cypress Glen because of my math error - thanks for the correction - although some mornings I creak and crack so much first getting myself moving, I think I'm about to enter into the Fossil Age !  And just for the record, my 80th birthday is not until December !!!! 

07/18/23 07:32 AM #1497    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Bill and are sorry to hear the news of Marcia Conley Davis's recent passing.  It was always evident how much she loved participating in our Class Reunions and attended most every one of them during these past 20+ years (as I remember ???)  Sharon Nabulsi, please correct me if I have this information wrong, but I believe it was Marcia's generous personality to have paid the "bar bill" for many of of our reunions.  She was a self made woman, starting and building a very successful accounting and tax business and loved sharing her good life with all of us !  We extend our deepest sympathy to her family. 

08/02/23 01:10 PM #1498    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Left side front to back: Carole Wilson, Linda Boomer, David Neubel, Nan Hays, Jack Moore, Karan Faul, Sally Trancoso. right side front to back: Ed Merschman, Georgia Merschman, Jack Dorsett, Bill Boomer, Jan Moore, Sharon Scholl- Nabulsi.

08/03/23 03:02 PM #1499    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

As Always, a great gathering of the FMHS Class of 1961 !   

08/29/23 04:44 PM #1500    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Classmates: It's me again! I want to let you know that Sharon Philpott Haugen's brother Mike Philpott, age 77 passed away last Saturday, 8/26/23 in Arizona where he lived. She said she does not want any phone calls but since he was quite an athlete and played with some of our classmates she wanted you all to know! I have no details about his passing other than in the last few years he's had many health issues! If you feel like sending her a card I'm sure she would appreciate it! Sharon Haugen, 2200 Filmore Avenue, Ames, Iowa 50010! Please keep Sharon and her brother and their families in your prayers. May Mike Rest in Peace.

08/30/23 09:59 AM #1501    


Cyndy Day (Savage)

Indeed, thank you again Sharon for all you do. I will send a card and I will support their family in prayer. Hugs to you and God blesd

08/30/23 10:34 AM #1502    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

Thanks for letting us know about Mike Philpott - I remember Sharon speaking about his health issues.  She was so close to her sibling and am sure their family is grieving his passing. 

09/06/23 02:00 PM #1503    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of 1961 September luncheon at the Green Bay Tap in Wever, Ia. Front Row L-R: Georgia Merschman, Linda Meyer, John Kent, Nancy Hays, Jan Moore, Linda Johnson; Back Row L-R: Ed Merschman, Karan Faul, Dutch Martinez, David Neubel, Jack Moore, Sharon Scholl- Nabulsi, Sally Trancoso, Robert Johnson.

10/04/23 02:57 PM #1504    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

October Class 1961 Luncheon: Left Clockwise Nan Hays, Betty Oiler, Sharon Strunk, Georgia Merschman, Ed Merschman, Linda Meyer, Dutch Martinez, Linda Hansen, Sally Trancoso, Sharon Scholl- Nabulsi, Jan Moore, Jack Moore and David Neubel

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