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02/07/24 04:32 PM #1530    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

February luncheon of the FMHS Class of 1961, Feb 7, 2024 L-R Front Row: Nan Hays, David Neubel, John Kent, Jack Dorsett, Back Row L-R: Linda Meyer, Linda Johnson, Bill Boomer, Robert Johnson, Georgia Merschman, Karan Faul, Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, Jack Moore, & Sally Trancoso.

02/09/24 01:50 PM #1531    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Classmates: We've lost another classmate. Judy Swanson Medland passed away in a nursing home in Warsaw,Illinois last night. I have no details other than no funeral  for Judy. If I do get any I will post it! 

02/09/24 04:57 PM #1532    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Classmates: Judy Swanson Sammons obit is on! There are no services indicated.

03/06/24 03:19 PM #1533    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of 1961 March Luncheon: Front Row: L- R John Kent, Georgia Merschman, Nan Hays, Barbara McVey, Betty Oiler, Jan Moore, Karan Faul, 2nd Row: Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, Gary McVey, Linda Johnson, 3rd Row: Ed Merschman, Dave Neubel, Robert Johnson, Sally Trancoso, Jack Moore, Linda Meyer, Dutch Martinez.


03/07/24 10:38 AM #1534    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)

What a great picture of you all out to lunch !  Love seeing these smiling faces!🥰

03/18/24 12:31 PM #1535    


Patsy Cordray (VanPelt)

Thank you to all my classmates wishing me a Happy Birthday!  It was a great day!!

03/19/24 05:01 PM #1536    


Linda Hayes (Meyer)

Love looking at the pics.  Thanks for all the work you've put in Sharon.  

03/20/24 10:13 AM #1537    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Thanks Linda! It's my pleasure to keep this website going for the Class of 1961!!!

04/04/24 01:14 AM #1538    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

04/08/24 08:22 AM #1539    


Judi Perry

Thanks, everyone for the Birthday wishes.  JT's Birthday is the ninth, so we always celebrate our B-days together.  However, the Sun and the Moon decided to get together to give us a special present - a Solar Eclipse!!  Our location happens to be in totality of the eclipse.  Parties are going on everywhere.  What a great celebration of our birthdays!! - wink

04/18/24 06:44 PM #1540    


Bill Orr


Everyone looks  good in the posted pictures. So sad about Charlie! We will miss him greatly.

Unfortunately , Jean and I will be unable to attend the reunion.

I too am having heart problems. Seems one side of the heart is fighting the other side. LOts of tests and procedures. Very time consuming but I really feel good. 

Wishing you all the best!



04/19/24 10:02 AM #1541    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Judy Perry and JT a belated Happy Birthday and so happy you got to experience the Eclipse!  It was really awesome! Moudy and I saw it in August of 2017 at the University of Missouri in Columbia! I'm so sorry you two are not coming to our reunion! I'm sure it will be our last reunion! 

04/19/24 10:06 AM #1542    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Bill, I'm so sorry you are having health issues and won't be at our reunion in September! I do hope you find a great doctor who can help you with you heart problem! God bless you! You are correct, Charlie LaFrenz is a HUGE loss!

04/19/24 09:02 PM #1543    


Jerry Rees

I just learned of Charlie's passing after reading Bill's message.

I knew he was having sugery in January.

Sent him an email.and told him to keep his suspenders tight.

But missed the message that he had died.

After reconnecting during the 55th reunion, we kept in touch.

Just read his auto obit.

Amazing life and amazing person!

I planted some trees in his honor.



05/01/24 01:57 PM #1544    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Class of 1961 May Luncheon: Front Row L- R Sharon Strunk, Nan Hays,Barb McVey, Robert Johnson. Back Row L-R Ed Merschman, Dave Neubel, Gary McVey, Sally Trancoso, Linda Johnson, Georgia Merschman, Karan Faul, Bette Oiler, Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, John Kent.

05/28/24 09:43 PM #1545    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

05/28/24 09:53 PM #1546    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

The above photos of me were taken tonight at FMHS as I was inducted in the Hall of Honor at FMHS! I was completely overwhelmed and humbled by the honor bestowed on me! There was one other honoree from Indianapolis but he declined to give a speech. I was so thrilled that there were classmates from our class also in attendance and by name they are Georgia and Ed Merschman, Nan Hays, David Neubel, Jack and Jan Moore and Sally Trancoso! I so appreciated them coming tonight! My husband Moudy was there and my son Todd flew in from Alabama and media was there and quite a number of other friends were there also tonight! It was quite a wonderful evening! 

05/29/24 06:43 AM #1547    


Georgia O'Donnell (Merschman)

 Congratulations Sharon.  Well deserved.

05/29/24 11:48 AM #1548    


Sandra Buckley (Matthews)





05/29/24 03:18 PM #1549    


Cyndy Day (Savage)

What a wonderday day for you. Go Sharon

05/29/24 09:10 PM #1550    


Darla Qualls (Dennison)

Congratulations Sharon. You're one of the nicest, most thoughtful, hard working, giving people I know so I'm sure this honor is well deserved. Wish I could have been there to help celebrate you. You go girl!  See you in September. 

05/30/24 07:28 AM #1551    


Nan Nelson (Hays)

Congratulations Sharon!  Well deserved recognition!  Your classmates are proud of you!

05/31/24 02:04 PM #1552    


Joyce Casady (Sheumaker)

Congratulations Sharon--what a honor!!

06/05/24 01:31 PM #1553    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

07/05/24 08:11 AM #1554    


Sharon Tincher (Scholl-Nabulsi)

Left to Right around the table at GATORS in Burlington: Georgia Merschman,Ed Merschman, Nan Hays, Sally Trancoso, Karen Faul, Linda Meyers, Dutch Martinez, Jack Dorrsett, Bill Boomer, Linda Boomer, Mary ?(John Kent's date), John Kent,Sharon Scholl-Nabulsi, David Neubel, Gary & Barb McVey  

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